Defined:(involving clever,witty rogues and/or adventurers)! I spell mine with a "K",thank you.

Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm Alright...nobody worry 'bout me

Last month after my yearly Mamogram (read: OUCH!)
they saw something , well not great.
Obviously fearful, it didn't seem like something to blog about,
so I kept it mum.

Finally after a few weeks of doctors and more tests involving cold goo,
funny TV screens, ouchie needles and such....

I am here to report all is well. (read: phew!)

Big Pooper-doo in the pants the past few weeks, I can tell you that.

[big sigh] and scene


Unknown said...

Ok, now that I have gotten through a case of retroactive heebie-jeebies, thank God you are ok.

Queen Bad Kitty said...

Thanks, Dude.
I'll take it.

Sara said...

Woo! Thank goodness.

Anonymous said...

Mazel tov! I just had a couple of "bumps" removed (my dad had melanoma - skin cancer) so when these 2 new blemishes showed up and showed no signs of leaving, I had them checked out. Both are gone now (courtesy of my dermatologist) and I received a call from my doctor today saying they were both benign and normal. "Whew" could be my new favorite word! I'm awfully glad we're both going to be around for a while!

Queen Bad Kitty said...

Whew! is right!

xo my Darlin