Defined:(involving clever,witty rogues and/or adventurers)! I spell mine with a "K",thank you.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Catching up.

Kyle's Momma passed May 12.
Exactly 15 minutes past Mother's Day
and we are all quite sure she held on
just so it wouldn't BE Mother's Day.

Sandy was diagnosed in January with Gallbladder
cancer, and let me say it is a monster.
She did take chemo, two separate rounds, but it
only held it off for so long.

She fought it with all she could, and when they said it was
too much, she stopped. Two days later we lost her.
We, as most people do, thought we had a little more time.
She passed with a Morphine drip and five boys at her side.

They lost their Dad, Curt, years ago when Kyle was only 6
and she did her very best to raise five boys on her own.
They are all college graduates, two with Masters Degrees,
fine, upstanding, good and true men. We should all have such
success in our lives.

We are at a loss here in our little part of the world.

I may blog some more when I feel like it...but right now
bitching about the Democrats fighting or old man McCain
just don't hold my interest.




Monday, May 05, 2008

Hey Sara & Tony....
Check out Kyle rockin out with ON THE EDGE.
They really had a good time and the crowd was great.
Some lady said
" I didn't know Kyle played guitar? I thought he was
just the Garden Guy."
I got all sasy and said
"Oh honey, he's got talents you've never dreamed of."

She just stared kinda open mouthed at me for a minute.

Nasty old bitty.

It was nice having a normal day.