Defined:(involving clever,witty rogues and/or adventurers)! I spell mine with a "K",thank you.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Our New President

I will NOT start this by shouting (as I may have done yesterday)
Thank God GWB is gone!
I choose, rather, not to speak of him again.

Now...well, let's get down to NOW.

I,too am hopeful.
I, also, am a realist.
Things will get worse before they get better.
This one man has such a weight in his shoulders...
I can't imagine why he'd want the job.
But, as I said, I am hopeful.
Because he wants transparancy.
Because he wants accountability.
Because he wants fairness.
Because he wants sacrifice!

It takes a whole lot of confidence in one's own self to
reach accross the asile and say
"I really can admire the things you have done,
now let's work together to do more".

Am I just a cockeyed optimist?
Not by a long shot....
(the conspiracy theories that run through my head sometimes are ghastly!)
A man that can speak like he does, and act as cool as he does,
and not lower himelf by relying on smear tactics and
he had me at "Yes we can".

Give the guy a chance!

The man believes in us...
let's return the favor.

Monday, January 05, 2009

I resolve...

Not to kill my husband.

HIS resolution is to quit smoking.

Ohferchrissaakes...this is gonna be great.

Pray for me :)